
exhibition calendar

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Holland Wentz Etheridge
Painting & Drawing

August 30 - September 30, 2011

Late Autumn AfternoonArtist’s Statement:
I have felt the urge to create as long as I can remember. My mother provided the atmosphere and encouragement, and my father a lifelong sense of wonder. I feel excitement and the urge to draw and to share what I see. There is great beauty in contrasts and patterns and details. The process of creating requires incredible intimacy with the subject and provides great joy of discovery. New delights are endlessly rewarding.

I am in love with sharp contrasts, crisp edges, concise line, intricate detail and subtle gradations of value.

I want to share the grace of natural lines and use every value from the palest to the darkest. Intense, patient observation of life around me creates an intimate relationship with each subject that I explore until realism becomes interpretation and pattern to the point of abstraction. Share my vision.

Chesterfield and Vine, by Holland Wentz Etheridge            Boat Reflected, by Holly Etheridge

Contact Holly at: holly_art@verizon.net