
exhibition calendar

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Linda Carey
Pastel Artist

February 8 - March 25, 2011
Linda Carey, Standing Nude
Standing Nude       
Linda Carey, Empty Red Chair
Empty Red Chair       
Linda Carey, Living In Rome -Ghetto
Living in Rome – Ghetto       
Linda Carey, Temple Ruin
Temple Ruin – Smart Car       

Artist’s Statement:

Though I am a perceptual painter, I believe that what I choose to paint and the possibilities I see are as much about ideas and images that I carry in my head as they are about being confronted in the moment with the motif. Cezanne said that painting is the world seen through a sensibility, but I know that I am simultaneously remembering and seeing through other sensibilities as I observe the world. The geometry of the quattrocento, the light of the Impressionists, and many other influences provide me with not only with ideas about what to paint, but with possibilities for seeing and responding with the materials.

The medium of chalk pastel is integral to my work and aesthetic. Dry pigment allows me to freely draw and paint at the same time, and make countless revisions over an extended period of time. The exploratory nature of drawing is important to me, but I think of my pastels as paintings because of the complex color interactions.

Some pieces are done from life, others are studio pieces done from drawings, notations and multiple digital images. I travel to satisfy my curiosity and interest in cultures, architecture and art, and I am particularly interested in environments in which the accruement of history and culture is manifest. I have always found fragments and the ruins of once glorious structures to be mysterious and poignant. For me it is important in the end to truthfully record my sensations of a very particular place and time while satisfying my own penchant for structure, harmony and resonance.

Linda has BFA and MFA degrees in studio art with concentrations in drawing & painting from the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Judge:  2006 Annual Members’s Show