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Chuck & Lisa Mosser
Wood & Glass

August 31 - October 1, 2010

Chuck Mosser, What's Inside?Chuck Mosser, Big Horn 1Chuck MosserBeauty beneath the Bark - Wooden items handcrafted on a lathe. I approach my woodturning with the philosophy that I most often do it only if the project is either fun, educational, or simply something I have never done before. Rather than making a statement with my work, I just enjoy what I do and hopefully it adds beauty to the world. I love the sensual pleasure in the smell and feeling of working with wood. Watching shavings fly while seeing the shape appear gives me instant gratification.

Lisa Mosser, Torch Glass Beads - NecklaceLisa Mosser, Glass Beads and Serving Pieces Lisa MosserMosser Studio – Torch worked glass beads
Making torch worked glass beads combines my childhood appreciation for glass miniatures with a lifelong love of marbling, sparkling inclusions, patterns, and color. The beauty of light shining through art glass has always captivated me. I took a beginning lampworking class and, after the second day, experienced the transition from the fear of fire to a fascination with flame working. When Chuck retired and I left the corporate world, art transformed from an occasional tool for stress relief to a compelling passion in my life.

Chuck & Lisa Mosser, Wood Jar with BeadsOur work has won numerous awards over the years and is available at Blue Skies Gallery, The Gallery at York Hall, and Gallery on the York. We participated in the Greater Lanexa Studio Tour from October 2002 through present (please check www.glst.org for details). We are active members of our respective professional organizations participating in group shows & demonstrations and organizing & volunteering at the regional woodturning conference. Chuck is a member of the Tidewater Turners, the Richmond Turners, and an officer of Virginia Woodturners. Lisa was a charter member and officer of the Bead Society of Southeast Virginia, an officer of Local Lampworkers’ 757, a member of the Mid Atlantic Society of Glass Beadmakers, and a member of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers.

Lisa Mosser at TCAG 2005: http://www.thiscenturyartgallery.org/05_Aug_Crafts.htm#Mosser
Chuck Mosser at TCAG 2006: http://www.thiscenturyartgallery.org/06_Feb_ChuckMosser.htm

Contact Chuck & Lisa Mosser at cnlmosser@cox.net