
exhibition calendar

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Wynn Creasy
Original Fine Art

May 5 - June 5, 2009

Wynn Creasy, Grasslands  Wynn Creasy, Solitude  Wynn Creasy, Majestic

Artist’s Statement

With my passion for oil bars (oil paints in a solid stick form) and oil pastels as my mediums of choice, as well as recent explorations in acrylic paints, I am constantly exploring the fine line between drawing and painting. I love to use alternating thick and thin layered vibrating lines of contrasting colors and smooth color washes to express the contour and vibrant energy of the earth around us. I work primarily on paper and in medium to large sized works suitable for framing for home and office.

Using oil bars (oil paints in a solid stick form) and oil pastels as my medium of choice, I am constantly exploring the fine line between drawing and painting. I love to use alternating thick and thin layered vibrating lines of contrasting colors and smooth color washes to express the contour and vibrant energy of the earth around us. I work primarily on paper and in medium to large sized works suitable for framing for home and office.

Having grown up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Southwestern Virginia, my love of nature and the contrasts of land and sky are illustrated in a painterly combination of color and line. My rich and intensely colorful impressionist and abstracted landscapes are about expressing a sense of belonging, of safety, of home. I try to draw you in and give you a sense of the majesty and the variety of the rich earth found in the Virginia countryside. Along with my use of brilliant colors, these techniques are combined to give a peaceful yet challenging landscape or abstract painting.

Whether realistic, impressionist, or abstracted, my paintings are of remembered places of my childhood. All my paintings start with nature. Some of my favorite subjects are country back roads, the sunset’s light illuminating the hills the distance, the unusual shape of trees in shadow… all leading you to wonder what is around the corner or how the sky will change next.

In my paintings I try to recreate the emotions I feel when recalling a place… The sultry heat of a summer afternoon, the soft light of a misty morning across a valley or open field, the layering of shadows under a clump of trees where I used to love to hide, the vastness and changeability of the skies over the Virginia landscape. All of this I hope to share from my memories. I strive to give you a genuine sense of place while at the same time of rest, of quiet beauty, of repose.

I have been most influence in my work by Ann Aves Martin (who studied under Wolf Kahn). Mr. Kahn’s teachings which grew out of his own studies of Abstract Expressionism in the 1950’s, the Impressionists with their study of the natural contrast of light and shadow, and by Rothko with his studies of human response to color against color.

