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Gary Marathon

Oils on Canvas

March 28 - May 5, 2006

Gary Marathon, Three of a Kind Gary Marathon, Face to Face Gary Marathon, "Jeremy"
Three of a Kind Face to Face Jeremy

After working with several media over many years, I now work primarily in oil paint on a stretched canvas ground, and occasionally in pastels. My experience with oils spans more than thirty years, while pastels have been a more recent discovery for me. I find both media to be very exciting in the strength and brilliance of color, as well as forgiving, in allowing me the freedom to follow my muse and make changes and alterations rather easily during the creative process.

I've always worked as a realist and enjoyed the inherent challenges that realism presents. In an effort to develop an illusion of depth in my work, over time I have developed a routine of building up my paint surface with several layers. Transitioning back and forth between opaque and transparent layers allows me the ability to move surfaces optically forward or backward in the picture plane.

Contact Gary by email at Gary@marathonstudio.com
or visit his website at http://www.marathonstudio.com/