
exhibition calendar

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September 13 - October 14, 2005

Artist Statement
Kat Allison, QuilterMy Grandmother taught me to embroider when I was a young child. Over the past 45 years I have been privileged to learn beadwork, quilting, garment sewing, crochet, tatting, leatherwork, upholstery and I almost learned to knit. During the last 10 years I've added papermaking, book binding, weaving, hand- dying and painting fabric, wirework, chain maille, decorative painting and kumihimo, but I still can't knit.

I am fascinated by process, whether It is the process of skills building upon skills over a lifetime, or the process of technique building on technique in a single piece of work. It might also mean that I have a short attention span. I come from a long line of craftsmen, and I am very proud to be carrying on that tradition.

2001 – Artwork included in the book: Wire in Design -Modern Wire Art & Mixed Media by Barbara A. McGuire. Krause Publications.
2003 – April/May edition of Beadworks magazine, "Moonshapes".
2004 – Co-authored, with Cindy Vost, Copper Loom - A New Approach to an Ancient Craft.
Cindy and I worked for three years designing the Copper Loom, and a warping technique we call "Lock Warp". The "Lock Warp" makes it possible to weave tapestry , beads, or a multi-media combination and then remove the finished weaving from the loom with four finished edges. We self-published the book as "The Guppy Sisters".

Classes Offered*:
Fiber: Thread Painting, Fiber & Wire Baskets, Surface Embellishments, Fiber Beads, Fiber Dying and Painting
Jewelry Making: Basic and Advanced Wirework, Viking Knitting, Chain Maille, Braided Wire, Soldering Basics, Jewelry Fabrication, Herringbone Stitch, Square Stitch, Right-angle Weave, Peyote Stitch, Brick Stitch, Bead Embroidery.

* Kat also teaches classes through This Century Art Gallery.
Click here for information about TCAG classes.

CopperLeaf Designs

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