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Charles Dubois

Maine Watercolors
MAY 11 - June 18, 2004

Charles Dubois' collection of landscape paintings opened May 11 and will run through June 18, 2004. Aging barns, windswept fields, stormy skies and snowy earth are but a portion of the material covered in Dubois' simple reflections of American scenery.

"Preserving the Past"

Barns and farm landscapes will always be a part of the American scene, but much of the past may not be round much longer. Chuck's paintings reflect the desire to record some small part of the American landscape as it was once known, scenes so often viewed but rarely examined.

Painting landscapes and reflecting on the past is a way of communicating to others. It is his way to record part of the history we all have once experienced -- aging barns, windswept fields and other scenic wonders faded by weather, time and human negligence.

He paints scenes that are familiar to him, sometimes visiting and painting the same spot dozens of times, eliminating unnecessary objects, yet determining the mood or lighting he wants to create that captures another scene to draw you into the painting. Stormy skies, along with the contrast of earth and snow can change and create nobility of the subject being painted and are always inspirational for many of his paintings.

As an artist he interprets nature and doesn't copy landscapes. The paintings are simple and not detailed. The use of the paint and textured paper helps to create the scenes that we may see everyday...visible to all but so often not really seen.

His outlook concerning his work is simple, "my work is creative and must speak for me. If my work is truly effective it should communicate my approach to life, and I would like to think I've succeeded in this effort".

Chuck's work is in numerous private collections and corporate offices in the Mid-west and in the Northeast. He has appeared in numerous shows and has received various purchase awards throughout his career. Chuck is from Illinois and after spending twenty-one years in advertising in Massachusetts now resides in Williamsburg, Virginia.