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annual high school student show awards

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2015 Annual High School Student Show Awards

Presenting Sponsor – Chesapeake Bank

First Place Haley Benson Ellis Body of Work:  Thirds, Oil / Processed, Oil / Slow, Watercolor /  Warhill High School
Second Place Sophie Maize Self Portrait, charcoal Jamestown High School
Third Place Suzie Kang Body of Work:  Still Waters, graphite, charcoal / Eraser, graphite, charcoal / Levitations, graphite, charcoal, colored pencil /  Jamestown High School
Merit Award Lindsay Atkins Spring and Fall, pen and ink Jamestown High School
Merit Award Althea Allen Watergirl, watercolor Warhill High School
Merit Award Anthony White Sweatpants, Oil Pastel Lafayette High School
Merit Award Delaney Savedge For the Love of Running, Charcoal Lafayette High School
Merit Award Taylor Meredith Madison, Oil Pastel Lafayette High School
Merit Award Kathryn Tomczak History Takes Root, Ceramic and mixed media Lafayette High School
Merit Award Kara Prince Horse, Wire Williamsburg Christian Academy
Merit Award Caitlin Marie Jones Body of Work:  self portrait, Pastel Pencil / Vanity, Oil / Magic Carpet Ride, Pastel pencil /  Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Yubin Kang Unbroken Shell, digital photography Jamestown High School
Honorable Mention Isabel R Contreras Expressive Self Portrait, enamel paint, charcoal Jamestown High School
Honorable Mention Abigail Shostak Flora and Fauna, pen and ink Jamestown High School
Honorable Mention Rebecca Alene Kufro Box of Self, clay Jamestown High School
Honorable Mention Danielle Smith Red Berries, acrylic on canvas board Bruton High School
Honorable Mention Grace Dowdy Two Faced, Pastel Pencil Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Savannah Barnett Breakfast For One, Oil Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Erin Forgit Mortimer, Oil Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Nicole B Richardson Man's Best Friend, Batik Dye & Wax Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Chrisanthi Nicole Prassas Flowered Vase, clay Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Joshua Curtis Fed on a silver spoon, Graphite Lafayette High School
Honorable Mention Cailin Reed Agnello Deterioration, Mixed Media (quatrotych) Lafayette High School
Honorable Mention Eleanor Jennifer Patrinely Time, Oil Warhill High School
Honorable Mention Serenity Chavez Blossoming Mind, Digital Photography Lafayette High School
Honorable Mention Lane Stephens Walk to the Beach, Photography Lafayette High School
Honorable Mention Dexter Wang Angel of Warriors, photography Walsingham Academy
People's Choice Award Haley Benson Ellis Slow, Watercolor Warhill High School

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