
exhibition calendar
Annual H.S. Student Show

about the gallery


January 9 - February 9, 2007

Brian Kreydatus, Judge


1st Place, Christina Mitchell, Peter
1st Place, Christina Mitchell, Peter
2nd Place, Jane Kidd, Ancestors
2nd Place, Jane Kidd, Ancestors
3rd Place, Chris Corrigan, Daily Grind 3rd Place, Chris Corrigan, Hannah
3rd Place, Chris Corrigan, Body of Work: Daily Grind & Hannah
1st PLACE Christina Mitchell Peter Charcoal Jamestown High School
2nd PLACE Jane Kidd Ancestors Digital Photography Bruton High School
3rd PLACE Chris Corrigan Body of Work:
Hannah / Daily Grind

Graphite / Ink
Jamestown High School


Paul Fulks City Chalk Pastel Lafayette High School
Megan Garcia Thirsty Lizards Handbuilt Stoneware, Oxide Glaze Jamestown High School
Augusta Gerhardt Untitled Charcoal Walsingham Academy
Elizabeth Gilmour Still Life Colored Pencil Jamestown High School
Sarah Morgan Pretty in Pink Digital Photography Jamestown High School
Judy Smith ME! Print Lafayette High School
Danielle Stolarski So We're a Little Crazy Reductive Block Print Jamestown High School
Marta Zoellner Insecurity Charcoal Jamestown High School


Mandi Atkins Scratched Gold Horse Scratch Board Walsingham Academy
Kaysi Bull My Face Graphite Lafayette High School
Melanie Berry Two Minute Gesture Sketch Marker Walsingham Academy
Jake Choi View of my Window Acrylic Williamsburg Christian Academy
Louise Enright Ants on a Log Photograph Walsingham Academy
Felicia Flaum Body of Work:
Little Dress 1 / Little Dress 2

Aluminum Wire / Copper Wire
Walsingham Academy
Mary Kidd The Abandoned House Digital Photography Bruton High School
Garrett Majdic Losing My Marbles Pastel Jamestown High School
John Mardirosian Morning Mystery Colored Pencil Jamestown High School
Jamie Mulhare Warm Pears Acrylic Walsingham Academy
Taylor Parnel Dark Carnival Ride Digital Photography Bruton High School
Morrigan Richardson Garbage Pail Kid Photography Lafayette High School
Patrick Russell Austin Photograph Jamestown High School
Chris Whitehurst Body of Work:
An Unfathomable Hiatus /
A Red So Deep / Daylight Robbery

Digital Images
Walsingham Academy
Shane Wilkinson Ginger Reductive Block Print Jamestown High School

Christina Mitchell Ballet Charcoal Jamestown High School

Bruton, Jamestown & Lafayette High Schools,
Walsingham Academy, and Williamsburg Christian Academy

135 entries by 114 students from the five Williamsburg area high schools were accepted into the 2007 High School Student Show. Brian Kreydatus, Associate Professor of Art at the College of William & Mary, served as the judge. Awards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places as well as 8 Merit Awards, 15 Honorable Mention Awards and one "People's Choice" Award were given at the Student Reception on January 10th at the Gallery.

See the Winter 2007 Newsletter insert for details about the show.